7 Podcasts I recommend!

Marina Ortiz Caiuby
4 min readFeb 2, 2021

I have never been those types of people who, no matter where I’m, I liked to turn on music (I know many people find this odd). I have always been the type of person who turns on television — usually some series like Friends — and just lets it as a back noise. Music, for me, was the thing I would listen to whenever driving or going to the gym.

Some years ago a friend of mine told me he would listen to podcasts instead of music in the gym. It was a way to keep himself informed while doing some exercise! At first, I found the idea interesting, but I found it hard to concentrate and actually pay attention to both, the exercise and the information I was listening to. However, I found out that the issue wasn’t that it was a podcast, but the issue was the podcast I was listening to. Once I found the podcast and the theme I liked to listen to (basically inspiring stories), this “multi-tasking” at the gym was easy! Thus, I would like to share today 7 of my favorite ones (both in PT and EN):

Photo by Alireza Attari on Unsplash

1- (EN) How I build this, with Guy Raz — I listen on Google Podcast

In this podcast, Guy Raz interviews different entrepreneurs to learn their story while building some amazing companies! He interviews people from all different fields and all different segments! Some of the episodes I like the most are TOMS, Patagonia, Canva, Calendly, Chipotle, Wayfair,… I think I could spend the entire day talking about some great shows that I have listened to!

2- (EN) The Happiness Lab, with Dr. Laurie Santos — I listen on Google Podcast

Dr. Laurie Santos has studied the science of happiness and she teaches one of the most popular classes at Yale. After some years, she found out that most people don’t really know what makes them happy. In this podcast, she talks about the different reasons that should bring us happiness and how they actually don’t, always backed up by research. She also talks about the history and tries to break some myths about happiness

3- (EN) Delicious Ways to Feel Better, with Ella Mills and Matt Mills– I listen on Spotify

This was the first one I started listening to before falling in love with podcasts! Ella and Matt, her husband, own some delis in London and many products under the brand Deliciously Ella. She started the deli because she had a gut disease and she used healthier eating and a healthier lifestyle as some tools to make her feel better. In this podcast, she usually interviews people from different fields, but all related to wellbeing. The goal seems to be to make you feel better. Two of my favorites shows are “Lessons in Happiness from Around the World” and “Imposter Syndrome and Self-Doubt”.

4- (EN) Marie Forleo Podcast, with Marie Forleo — I listen on Spotify

Marie Forleo conducts the show in a very smooth, light, and funny way! She has different “types” of episodes, but I usually like the ones where she interviews different people and learns about their way to success. My favorite show up until today is the one where she interviewed Mally Roncal, a make-up artist. The episode is “218: From Beyoncé to QVC: How Mally Roncal built a makeup empire”.

5- (PT) Like a Boss, from Alure — I listen on Spotify

The host interviews different bosses to learn about their story and the biggest challenges they face. I find it interesting that, in the end, the host asks what are actually the daily activities of the boss in question. I find it interesting to learn how leaders in companies of different sizes many times end up facing the same challenges! One of my favorite shows is “Max Oliveira, CEO da MaxMilhas: Escalando sem dinheiro de investidor”.

6- (PT) Do Zero ao Topo, from InfoMoney — I listen on Spotify

This show interviews people from different industry telling the host how they managed to start from scratch and reach the top. It is inspiring to listen to different stories and, I found it interesting, that they interview entrepreneurs and many turn-around stories. One of my favorite shows is “#69 — Forno de Minas: a família que popularizou o pão de queijo no Brasil”, and not just because I really like pão de queijo. I liked that this was a type of journey that, many times, he said “yes, we can do it” before knowing where to start!

7- (PT) De Carona na Carreira, with Thais Roque — I listen on Spotify

Thais Roque is a career consultant, and she interviews different people learning about their career path. I think this one differs from the other two I previously mentioned because she talks a lot about the challenges, what has gone wrong and what the person has learned with it! Besides, she interviews people with different backgrounds and who work, not necessarily, in large corporations. Two of my favorite shows are “019. Se aceitar para se transformer — Flavia Fabbrocini Sanches” and “032: A liberdade de mudar de ideia — Mica Rocha”.



Marina Ortiz Caiuby

Originally from Brazil, but living in Portugal for +4 years. Recent mother of a baby daughter, enthusiastic about sharing experiences and promoting wellbeing